Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Diapers and the Environment

Looking for ways to help the Environment? Consider potty training before age 2.

Think it's not possible? Consider this:

Before disposable diapers were invented, 95% of all children in the US were fully potty trained by 18 months.

Think it's Hard? Consider this:

Children are naturally more cooperative before the age of 2. They like to imitate parents and siblings. And they haven't discovered the word "no."

Here are some videos that will help you learn more:

National Geographic: Impact of Diapers on the Environment
Introduction to the Baby Signs Potty Training Program
The Baby Signs Potty Training Program on THE DOCTORS

Real Life Comments on Facebook from moms who are potty training before age 2:

My 12 month old just signed potty for the first time today while watching the Potty Train dvd. He actually asks for the dvd by bringing me his whistle and then dances and watches intently for the entire thing. Thanks for the encouraging tools!

My 10 month old just signed potty while watching her dvd too! And she really loves the whistle. She gets to play with the whistle when she goes potty. She thinks it's really funny so it's a good positive reinforcement for going potty.


Save $10 on the Baby Signs Potty Training Kit. Just enter the Coupon Code: 10bucks

Order your Potty Training Kit Today!

Potty Train by 2 with the Baby Signs Potty Training Kit