
Baby Signs®, the ORIGINAL sign language program for hearing babies, has been bringing powerful, research-proven benefits to babies and their families around the world for over 25 years!



I offer a wide variety of classes for parents and educators including workshops, mommy and baby play classes, and trainings. Read about my newest class Rumble, Tumble Tummy Time for infants and see how this class can help your baby during her early stages of development. Check out my class schedule page for current dates and times for all my classes



Over two decades of scientific research on the use of sign language with hearing babies, has shown that sign language helps babies learn to talk sooner, jumpstarts their intellectual development, reduces frustration, biting and other aggressive behaviors. .


Shop Baby Signs

BabySigns.com offers a wide variety of resources for parents and educators. Everything from DVD's, books, flashcards, music to help you communicate with your baby.

Shop Now!

Potty Train Before age 2

By helping babies learn simple potty-time signs, the Baby Signs® Potty Training Program makes it easy for parents to both begin and end the whole enterprise before age 2.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Sign of the Week: Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope you and/or your loved ones travel safe.  And I wish you luck if you're brave enough to venture out on Black Friday for some crazy holiday shopping.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rumble, Tumble Tummy Time Class December Special!

Take my brand new infant class for FREE! My special Holiday offer for December.

Come learn how to make tummy time fun for your baby through engaging songs and activities in a play-class setting. At the same time, you will learn valuable parenting strategies to help you make the most of this important stage of development.

This is for parents with babies ages 2 to 6 months. The Bright Spot Children's Playplace has a nice large room where we will hold the class. If your baby has an older sibling they may come and play in the play area while you take the class.

Space is limited so sign up today!

When: December 7th @ 10:00
Where: Bright Spot Playplace 520 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, CT

Sign of the Week: Milk

This is a very popular sign and is requested quite often. It's the first sign my son learned and used for months when asking for anything :)
Enjoy learning the sign this week. Remember practice makes perfect. The more you use the sign when talking about milk, the more likely your baby will use it to request some.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sign of the Week: Cheese

Mmmmm cheese. My kids love cheese and they eat it all the time. Everything from mac n cheese, string cheese, grilled cheese, ham and cheese, the list goes on. If I make something my daughter doesn't like, she usually requests it to be smothered in cheese in hopes it will mask all other flavors. This is not my favorite tactic, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get those veggies into those growing bodies.

When I was a kid, I thought there were only 2 kinds of cheese: Velveeta and Swiss. Thankfully, I have grown up and have been introduced to a plethora of delicious cheeses. I couldn't tell you what my favorite is but I have come across my most favorite grilled cheese sandwich. I call it the Grown Up version of grilled cheese. This recipe is courtesy of chef, Greg Reynor, from the restaurant Cafe Muse.

Café Muse's Grilled Cheese Sandwich


* 1 slice Havarti cheese
* 1 slice mozzarella cheese
* 1 slice Danish fontina cheese
* 1/2 Tbsp. butter , softened (for best results, use high-quality butter)
* Honey from a squeeze bear bottle
* 1 tsp. fresh basil , chopped
* 2 slices tomato
* 2 slices bread (organic multigrain bread works best)
* Sauté pan large enough for 2 slices of bread

Butter bread on one side with melted butter. Place in pan, butter side down, over medium-low heat. Place mozzarella on one half of the bread and fontina and Havarti on the other. Cook until golden on bottom and cheese begins to melt. Place tomato on mozzarella side and honey on fotina/Havarti side. Place under broiler for a few minutes to heat up tomato. Sprinkle basil and assemble sandwich and enjoy.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Holiday Sale!

35% OFF the Baby Signs® DVD Fun Packs!
Price: $24.99 Sale Price: $16.24
The packs include a cute book, chunky flashcards, and a dvd. There are 6 different Fun Packs. Each Fun Pack is centered around a theme: Mealtime, Bedtime, Bathtime, Getting Dressed, Pets, and Park signs. These make a great gift for your baby or grandchild and helps them learn! Order yours today!
*Tax not included. This is for orders from my inventory not from the babysigns.com website. You pay shipping or you may pick them up. To order please email me at bryn.chandler@babysignsprogram.com.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sign of the Week: Medical Signs

As much as I hate to admit it, it's that time of year - cold and flu season. We all do our best to stay healthy but sometimes the germs get the best of us.

Download the poster this week and feel free to share it with your child's preschool, daycare, nursery, or play gym.

In the meantime, here are some tips on staying healthy this season:

Keep the germs Away.

Many stores will supply antibacterial cart wipes this time of year, if not year round. Don't be shy about using them. I would rather look like a germaphobe as I scrub down my cart than get sick.

Wash your hand often, especially if you go to play places where the kids have touched most of the surfaces. Avoid touching your face after shaking hands with someone until you can go wash your hands.

Don't share food or utensils. My kids will see me eating something and ask if they can have a bite. That is one way germs can spread through the family. They may not show signs of sickness right then but they could be in the incubation period.

Speaking of foods, Eat Immune Boosting Foods

Try your best to avoid refined sugars that weaken the immune system. That can be hard this time of year when there are so many goodies around. Try to avoid it by not having them in your home but simply enjoy them if you go to a party.

Eat foods that are high in antioxidants such as dark leafy greens, fruits, and salmon. I highly recommend the website greensmoothiegirl.com with tips on how to sneak veggies in your diet without cooking them down to a tasteless, vitaminless pulp.

Keep your Nose and Sinuses Clear
Use a Neti Pot to keep your sinuses cleaned out and run a vaporizer at night to keep your nasal passages moist so the flu germs can't take hold. Central heat (which dries out the air) and cold temperatures make it easy for flu germs to spread and make people sick.

Stay Active
Kids (and adults) who sit more often get sick more often. So get moving! One idea is to join in with my playgroups or classes this winter to not only keep the flu away but cabin fever as well. :)