
Baby Signs®, the ORIGINAL sign language program for hearing babies, has been bringing powerful, research-proven benefits to babies and their families around the world for over 25 years!



I offer a wide variety of classes for parents and educators including workshops, mommy and baby play classes, and trainings. Read about my newest class Rumble, Tumble Tummy Time for infants and see how this class can help your baby during her early stages of development. Check out my class schedule page for current dates and times for all my classes



Over two decades of scientific research on the use of sign language with hearing babies, has shown that sign language helps babies learn to talk sooner, jumpstarts their intellectual development, reduces frustration, biting and other aggressive behaviors. .


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BabySigns.com offers a wide variety of resources for parents and educators. Everything from DVD's, books, flashcards, music to help you communicate with your baby.

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Potty Train Before age 2

By helping babies learn simple potty-time signs, the Baby Signs® Potty Training Program makes it easy for parents to both begin and end the whole enterprise before age 2.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Diapers and the Environment

Looking for ways to help the Environment? Consider potty training before age 2.

Think it's not possible? Consider this:

Before disposable diapers were invented, 95% of all children in the US were fully potty trained by 18 months.

Think it's Hard? Consider this:

Children are naturally more cooperative before the age of 2. They like to imitate parents and siblings. And they haven't discovered the word "no."

Here are some videos that will help you learn more:

National Geographic: Impact of Diapers on the Environment
Introduction to the Baby Signs Potty Training Program
The Baby Signs Potty Training Program on THE DOCTORS

Real Life Comments on Facebook from moms who are potty training before age 2:

My 12 month old just signed potty for the first time today while watching the Potty Train dvd. He actually asks for the dvd by bringing me his whistle and then dances and watches intently for the entire thing. Thanks for the encouraging tools!

My 10 month old just signed potty while watching her dvd too! And she really loves the whistle. She gets to play with the whistle when she goes potty. She thinks it's really funny so it's a good positive reinforcement for going potty.


Save $10 on the Baby Signs Potty Training Kit. Just enter the Coupon Code: 10bucks

Order your Potty Training Kit Today!

Potty Train by 2 with the Baby Signs Potty Training Kit

Second Class Session Begins NEXT WEEK!

Sign, Say, and Play classes start Friday April 30th

  • Location: Kiddy Korner Toy Store 100 West Rd Ellington, CT
  • Time: 3:30 pm
  • Session Runs from April 30th through June 11th (no class Memorial Day Weekend)
  • Cost $10/class or $7.50/class if you register for all 6 classes
  • I'm extending my Bring a Friend for this class as well. Bring a friend and if they sign up for all 6 classes you both get an extra $15 off the total price of the classes!

To Register please email bryn.chandler@babysignsprogram.com

$5 Registration fee is due before class. This fee counts toward the total cost, it's not an additional cost.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why is Tummy Time So Important?

Approximately 10 years ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics launched a “Back to
Sleep” campaign in an effort to reduce the number of infant deaths due to Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Now, a decade later, the incidence of SIDS in the
USA has declined by approximately 50%. That’s the good news!

However, as is often the case, along with good news comes some bad news. In this
case, it involves the negative effects that have sometimes resulted from babies
spending too much time on their backs, including sleeping on their backs, but also due
to the amount of time spent in baby equipment, such as car seats, strollers, bounce
chairs and swings.

One significant negative consequence of the “Back to Sleep” campaign is what is
referred to as “misshapen head” (or in medical terminology, Plegiocephaly), a condition
that is characterized by a flattening of the back of the head. In addition, when
babies spend too much time on their backs, it can result in a tightening of the muscles
on one side of the neck, a condition known as Positional Torticollis.

In addition to these medical conditions, pediatricians worry that not enough tummy
time can result in significant motor delays, such as in rolling over, sitting up and even
crawling and walking. And believe it or not, motor delays such as these can actually
impact brain development. Lack of tummy time can also impede the development of
strong necks and arms and affect the development of balance and coordination.

To avoid these negative consequences, pediatricians encourage parents to put their
babies on their tummies (supervised, of course) for short periods several times a day.
Parents are advised to begin tummy time within their baby’s first week. While awake,
parents should place their baby on her tummy 2 to 3 times each day, beginning with
about 3 to 5 minutes and increasing the time as she gets older.

However, babies do not like to be on their tummies and cry and fuss when put in this
position. Parents, out of frustration, often give up and end up relying more and more
on baby equipment like swings and bounce chairs. The problem for parents is that,
while they are told that tummy time is necessary, they aren’t told how to make it
enjoyable (or at least tolerable) for their babies.

That’s just what Rumble Tumble Tummy Time™ is designed to do!
Email bryn.chandler@babysignsprogram.com to request a class.

BabySigns.com - Sign Language for Babies

Sign of the Week: Ball

Another great sign for something all babies enjoy! I love playing ball with my kids outside and in. Enjoy watching this video and teaching your baby the sign for ball.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

But Won't Signing Discourage my Baby from Talking?

A Common MYTH answered by Linda Acredolo, Ph.D. and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D.

By far the most frequently voiced concern about encouraging babies to communicate
with signs is that doing so will discourage them from learning to talk. In fact, we often
refer to this belief as the “Mother-in-Law” myth because we so often hear it voiced by
moms in the following way:

‘My mother-in-law says, “If he gets what he wants without using words,
he’ll never learn to talk.” What should I tell her?’

Well, here is what we tell them:
1. Well-designed, government-funded research has shown that the opposite is true. Using
a large grant from the National Institutes of Health, we carefully compared babies
whose parents encouraged them to use signs to babies from the same communities
whose parents who were completely unaware of the possibility. Our assessments
included standardized tests of verbal language development administered from 11
months to 36 months of age. What did we find? In test after test the children who had
signed were more advanced than the non-signers in language skills. The results were
published in 2000 in a peer-reviewed professional journal (Journal of Nonverbal
Behavior, 2000, 24, 81-103), and for those who would like to read it (or give it to
their mother-in-law!), the full text is available on our Baby Signs® web site
2. Just as babies learn to crawl before they can walk, using signs gives them a
developmentally appropriate way to communicate before they can talk. Once children
learn to walk they no longer crawl because of the greater freedom walking affords
them. Communication is the same way. While signs are useful before children have
words, speech allows them the ability to communicate more quickly and more fully.
As a child’s mind and body develops, he or she will naturally transition to speaking in
order to convey ever more complex ideas and longer sentences. Far from getting in
the way of the process, signs provide a bridge that helps the transition from no
language to spoken language.
3. The experience of signing teaches babies useful lessons about how language works--
lessons that speed up the process of learning to talk once words are finally available.
By enabling a baby to practice learning and using symbols to label objects, express
needs, and describe feelings, signs create a mental framework which makes it easy to incorporate words as soon as the baby’s vocal cords are developed enough to use
4. The natural reaction to a baby’s use of a sign is to “bathe” the child with words, and
the more words a child hears, the faster he or she will learn to talk. Using signs results
in children hearing lots of words and sentences directly relevant to the topic they have
chosen. Why? Part of the reason is because we always encourage parents to say the
word every time that they or their baby use a sign. In addition, once a child begins to
produce signs on his or her own, parents find themselves responding with words and
words and more words. When your baby begins to look at you and sniff for flower
while strolling through the park, you will automatically respond with something like,
“Oh, you see the flowers! Yes, those are pretty flowers. We see lots of flowers, don’t
we?” This exposure to words they care about is exactly what children need in order to
learn how to say the words themselves.

5. Every time a baby successfully uses a sign, changes occur in the brain that bring the
child closer to mastering language. The circuitry in the brain--upon which talking
depends--develops along with a child’s experience with language. Because using
signs enables children to begin the process earlier, the development of this circuitry
gets a significant “jump start” that continues to pay off for years down the line.
These are five very sound arguments. Sometimes, however, the most compelling
information of all is the story of Linda's own son's journey to verbal language. Her son
Kai, now a college student, was a great signer. Starting with his first sign at 12 months
("fan"), he built his signing vocabulary to a total of 40 signs by the time he was 19
months old. But, just as many of you may have experienced, words were not coming
nearly as fast. In fact, the day he turned 19 months old, he had only 7 words! But then
something "clicked" (probably neurologically) and in the space of just three weeks, he
added 67 new words! Clearly, he knew very well what he wanted to say. The signs had
enabled him to learn lots and lots about how language works, what objects are called, etc,
and once the final underlying neurological piece was in place, he was off to the races!
So, the next time someone suggests that your encouragement of signs is going to keep
your child from talking, just smile and say “Oh, that old wive’s tale?” (We suggest you
don’t mention Mothers-in-Laws yourself!) “No one who knows the research behind the
Baby Signs® Program is worried about that anymore. Signing is actually the best thing I
could be doing to help my baby learn to talk.”
Good luck – and HAPPY SIGNING!

Deal Alert!!

Free Shipping on all orders at BabySigns.com with coupon code: "babysigns416"
Valid Friday April 16th through Sunday April 18th
Follow this link! Happy Shopping!
Shop BabySigns.com and start communicating with your baby today!

Reccommended Items:
Baby Signs Complete Starter Kit
Baby Signs Potty Training Kit
Complete DVD set with FREE plush tote.
Buy 1 Get 1 FREE DVD Fun Pack Offer. (Limited Time)
Baby Signs Board Book Offer

BabySigns.com - Sign Language for Babies

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sign of the Week: Shoes

Happy Spring! The sun is out and the weather is getting warmer. It's a perfect time to go for a walk and play outside. While you get ready, it's the opportunity to teach your baby the sign for shoes! Watch the video on You Tube.